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Gourmand Awards Ceremony 2012

Every year, Gourmand gives the awards in a very special location for gastronomy. The Ceremony is always an opportunity to meet every important person in the world of cookbooks and winebooks: hundreds of publishers, authors, chefs and journalists take part in these events. The Gourmand Awards ceremony will take place at the historical theater LES FOLIES BERGÈRE. Avery year, we are receiving more and more requests to attend the ceremony. As the big theater at Le Centquatre has only 505 seats, we have decided to move the party to Les Folies Bergère, which has more space. We decided to have the Wine Book Awards the same day so that they can enjoy the historical theater and its glamour. Les Folies Bergère, established in 1869 in Paris, is a music hall which was at the height of its fame and popularity from the 1890s through the 1920s. Loie Fuller and Josephine Baker from the US, and Maurice Chevalier or Mistinguett from France have made history on that stage.


Coming to Paris for the Gourmand Awards is the opportunity to visit the Paris Cookbook Fair, where the biggest publishers, chefs and authors meet every year to present their new books. It has become the heart of the cookbook trade, where foreign rights are sold and bought by publishers from all over the world.

You will attend the Gourmand Awards Ceremony with your VIP-Professional badge.
The badge includes:

  • - Two seats at Les Folies Bergère + the famous Gourmand cocktail in the great hall of the theater
  • - Two invitations to the opening party of the Paris Cookbook Fair
  • -Access to the Paris Cookbook Fair during five days, including the stands, the rights center, the show kitchens, the international bar, the conference rooms, the exhibitions.
  • The VIP-Professional is listed in the catalogue along with the stand exhibitors. The listing includes a short description of the activity, and the contact address. The catalogue is available to exhibitors and VIP Professionals in the months before the Paris Cookbook Fair in order to prepare meetings and networking.


A VIP-Professional badge costs 350 Euros. If you want to order one or more badges, please fill the following fields:
Fields marked with * need to be completed
