Finalists May 26-27, 2018
W1-1 Hall of Fame - Drinks
France: Le Val de Loire, Terres de Chenin, Christian Asselin, Pascal Girault (Editions Les Caves se Rebiffent)
Sweden - Champagne Hiking, Richard Juhlin
W1-2 Wine Publisher of the Year
China - CITIC Open the Bottle 9787508676098
France - Dunod - Whisky Made in France, Robin Entreinger
USA - Sterling - Red Wine
W1-3 Digital news
China -
Hong Kong - Tersina Shieh Wine Journal
Italy - Wine by numbers, (Unione Italia Vini)
Poland - Winicja Tywa
USA - Palate Press
W1-3 Printed magazine
France - Le Vin Ligerien
UK - The World of Fine Wine
USA - Wine Advocate, Robert Parker, jr
W1-4 Book of the Year
China - Internationalization, Chinese Style (Qingdao) 9787519601416
France - ABCDaire, Christophe Beau (Tonnerre de l’Est)
Germany - Sassicaia (TeNeues)
Italy - Il Respiro del Vino, Luigi Moio (Mondadori)
Spain - Guia 100 mejores vinos de Catalunya, Lluis Tolosa
USA Wine - Red Wine (Sterling)
USA Spirits - Hennessy a toast, Glenn O’Brien, Jean Philippe Delhomme (Rizzoli)
Venezuela - Vini Vidi Vici, Leonardo D’Addazio (Academia Sommeliers Venezuela)
W1-5 French wine
Australia - Bursting Bubbles, Robert Walters (Bibendum Wines)
Brazil - Bordeaux e seus Grands Crus Classes, Leonardo Liperone Baruki
China - Getting into French Wine (Chemical) 9787122294364
France - Les Petits Vignobles en France (Presses Universitaires Rennes)
Finland - Essi Avellan Champagne (Asselvino)
Netherlands - Champagne, Gert Crum (Digipublishers)
Scotland - I love champagne, Davy Zym (Freight Books)
Sweden - Champagne, Vinet och Odlarna, Karlsson (Carlsson)
W1-6 European wine, except France
Croatia - Dalmatia wine stories, Zeljko Germaz
Germany - Port Wein, Axel Probst
Netherlands - Discover Dutch Wine, Mariella Beukers, Irene de Vette (Solaris)
Portugal - O Vinho que Lisboa tem, Ana Cristina Marques (Caminho das Palavras)
Singapore - Cracking Croatian Wine, Charline Tan, Dr Matthew Horkey (Blue Roster)
Slovakia- Slovak Wine Guide, Vladimir Hronsky (Slovart)
Spain - El vino de Cangas (Velasco)
Switzerland - Chasselas (Werd Weber)
USA- Hidden Gems of Italy, Tony Margiotta
W1-7 New World Wine
Argentina - Reporte Vino Argentino 2017, Aldo Graziani, Valeria Mortara (Planeta)
Brazil - Anuario Vinhos do Brasil (Idearia Baco Multimedia)
Canada - Icon, BC best wineries, John Schreiner (Touchwood)
France - La Carte des Vins (Marabout)
UK - The Wine Value Chain in China (Elsevier)
USA - Wine Country Women of Napa Valley, Michelle Mandro (Cameron)
W1-8 Wine and Spirits Tourism
Austria - Kulinarische Tourismus und Weintourismus (Springer)
Canada - Les Paradis de la Biere Blanche (Druide)
China - Compass to the ocean of wine (Zhejiang S/T) 9787534179549
France - Des Vignes et des Hommes (Feret)
Georgia - Georgia, Miquel Hudin (Vinologue)
Germany - Seewein, Wein Kultur am Bodensee (Jan Thorbeke)
Portugal - Vinhos & Petiscos (Caminho das Palavras)
Scotland - I love champagne, David Zyw (Freight Books)
Singapore - Cracking Croatian Wine, Charline Tan, Dr Matthew Horkey
Spain Marketing Enoturismo, Lluis Tolosa
Switzerland - Randos bieres en Suisse Romande, Monika Saxer (Helvetiq)
USA - Around the world in 80 wines, Mike Veseth (Littlefield)
W1-9 Digital drinks book
Australia - Australian Sparkling Wine Report, Tyson Stelzer
Belgium - Ginventory app
France - Une Histoire du vin, Didier Nourisson
Spain - Pasion por el vino, Joan Martin
Switzerland - Vinfox app
UK - The Way of Whisky, Dave Broom (Mitchell Beazley)
USA - Mezcal, Emma Jenzen
W1-10 Wine Professionals
Canada - Wine Tasting, Ronald Jackson (Elsevier)
China - Sustainable Development China Wine Industry (XinHua) 9787516631911
France - De l’oenologie a la viticulture, Alain Carbonneau, JL Escudier (Quae)
Georgia - Voyage en Amphore, Keiko Kato, Maika Masuko (WOINO)
Spain -Comunicacion del Vino, Rodolfo Castro Galiana (Lucarno)
Switzerland - Cepages Suisses, Jose Vouillamoz (Favre)
USA - The Business of Sustainable Wine, Sandra Taylor (Board and Bench)
Venezuela - El Catador Ilustrado, Alberto Soria (Editorial Alfa)
W1-11 Translation
Belgium - Parlons Vin, Paul Laveau, Dietrich Eliger (Peter Lang)
France - Chateau Climens (Feret)
Portugal - The Old Vineyards of Portugal, Luis Antunes (CTT)
Spain - Guia Intervinos
USA- Wine isn’t rocket science (Hachette)
W1-12 Digital- Ebooks, Institutions / Brochures
Argentina - Vitivinicultura Argentina en el Mundo (Coviar) 131 pages free PDF
Austria - Austrian wine in depth (Austrian Wine) free 123 pages PDF
Brazil - Wine and Something else , Marcello Copello
Canada - Economic impact wine industry (Canadian Vintners) 37 pages free PDF
France - Cognac Part des Anges (BNIC-Artcurial) 76 pages free PDF
South Africa - Cape Kontrei Winelands (WOSA) 80 pages free PDF
Spain - Imprescindibles tapa/vino de Jerez ( 64 pages free PDF
W2-1 Drinks with no alcohol
Canada - J’aime les smoothies, Louise Rivard (Modus)
China - Easy Smoothies (Textile) 9787518037247
France - Eau Minerale et Medecine Thermale, Michel Jaltel (Harmattan)
Iran - Samira Janatdoust Cold and Hot Drinks (Paniz Mehr)
Mexico - Cacao, bebida de los dioses, Martha Chapa (Tabasco)
Spain - Que beber cuando no bebes, Meritxell Falgueras (Urano)
UK - Doctor’s order, Chris Edwards (Hardie Grant)
W2-2 Coffee
China - Learning Coffee from Video (Textile) 9787518037230
Costa Rica - Aroma, Alfonso J. Kinglow
Colombia - Permission to Slurp, Karen Attman (Bogota Intl Press)
Ethiopia - Where the Wild Coffee Grows, Jeff. Koehler (Blomsbury)
Germany - Bohnengold Kaffee, Michael Paulzenberger (Freya)
Jamaica - Marley Coffee Cookbook, Rohan Marley, Maxcel Hardy, Rosemary Black
Japan - Sawada Coffee Style 9784862561879
Sweden - Kaffeboken, Donald Bostrom (Arena)
Uganda - Growing Peace, Richard Sobol (Lee and Low)
UK - SouthWest Independent Coffee Guide (Salt Media)
USA - Starbucks app
W2-3 Tea
China - New Explanation Classic of Tea ((Machine) 97871115722312
France - L’Empire du The, Katrin Rougeventre (Michel de Maule)
Germany - Teezeit, Li-hong Kuhlin (Drachenhaus)
UK - The World of Tea Encyclopedia, Will Battle (Troubadour/Matador)
USA - Thirst for Empire, Erika Rappaport (Princeton University)
W2-4 Spirits
Brazil - Os Segredos do Gin, Jose Osvaldo Albano do Amarante (Mescla)
China - R& D Chinese Spirit Culture Tourism (CHLIP) 9787518411559
Denmark - Akvavit, Sune Risum-Urth (Two Guys)
France - Combier, une aventure a la francaise, Franck Choisne (Herve Chopin)
Germany - Deutsche Gin, Michael Kern
India - Indian Spirits, Magandeep Singh (PRH)
Italy - Grande Libro della Grappa (Hoepli)
Peru - Picanterias y Chicherias, Isabel Alvarez (USMP)
Sweden - Whisky, Orjan Westerlund (Storytel - Grenadine)
Switzerland - Gin, Karl Rudolf (AT)
Turkey - Raki Gastronomi, Erdir Zat (Overteam)
Venezuela - El Ron, Vladimir Viloria (El Nacional)
W2-5 Cocktails
Canada - Aventures de la Mixologie, Patrice Plante, Mr Cocktail
France - Mezcal (Hachette)
Italy - Profession Barman, Alan Arrigo (Santi)
Philippines - PhilRice Tapuy Cookbook and Cocktails
Sweden - Cocktails pa flaska, Kaporis, Taube, Moren (NOK)
UK - Their Majesties Mixers, Thomas Mace Archer Mills (Filament)
USA - Cocktail Champion, Mark Addison (Assouline)
W2-6 Matching Food and Drink
Argentina - La Cocina del Vino, Fernanda Orellano (Escuela Argentina Sommeliers)
Austria - From Sunset to Sunrise, (Brandstatter)
Canada - Wine and Cheese map, Gary Bader
Cuba- Donaire de los Vinos, (Ediarte)
France - A la table des vignerons, (Hachette)
Italy - Friuli Venezia Giulia Via dei Sapori, Walter Filiputti
New Zealand - Brewed, Jules Van Costello (Potton Burton)
Spain - Vinos dulces del mundo y cuatro quesos azules, Sara Castellvi (Amaf)
Sweden- Mat & Vin, Anette Rosvall (Semic)
Switzerland - Beer Pairing, Caviezel, Vilgis (Fona)
Turkey - Raki Gastronomi, Erdir Zat (Overteam)
UK - The Wine Dine Dictionary, Victoria Moore (Natalia Shaw)
USA - Acid Trip - World’s Vinegar, Michael Harlan Turkell (Abrams)
W2-7 Other Drinks
Austria - Das Osterreichische Mostbuch, Isa Svel (Orac)
Canada - Transformation du Cidre au Quebec, Merin Cloutier, Anais Detolle (PUQ)
France - Hydromel et Derives, Andre Rogard (Puit Fleuri)
Germany - Best of Apfelwein, Frankfurt, Julia Sohngen, Bernd Buchterkirch (Societats)
UK - Finding Good Cider, Alan and Richard Stone
USA - Art of Mead Tasting Chrissie Manion Zaerpoor (Mead Maven)
W2-8 Beer
Australia - The Slab, Glen Humphries
Austria - 525 Jahre Salzburger Stiegl Bier, Harald Waltzbauer (Brandstatter)
Brazil - Cerveja com design (Senac)
China - Brew beer by yourself (CHLIP) 9787518403028
France - La biere bretonne, Gabriel Thierry (Au Coin de la Rue)
Germany - Das Grosse Brauwelt, Horst Dornbusch (Hans Carl)
Spain - Cerveses artesanes de Catalunya (Cossetania)
Sweden - Beer, Brewing, & Bastards, Darnell, Eriksson (Grenadine)
Switzerland - Beer Pairing, Caviezel, Vilgis (Fona)
UK - Little Book of Craft Beer (Hardie Grant)
W3-1 Drinks History
Canada - 9000 years of wine, Rod Phillips (Whitecap)
China - History of wine development (Hunan Art Culture) 9787540481261
France - Robert-Jean de Vogue (Tallandier)
India - Indian Spirits, Magandeep Singh (PRH)
Peru - Moquegua entre pisco y vino, Jose Fernando
Portugal - O Vinho no tempo da Guerra, Manuel Carvalho (Publico)
Scotland - Scotland Secret History, Whisky (Birlinn)
Spain - Las piedras que hacian vino. Luis and Alejandro Paadin (Servino)
UK - Order! Rise and Fall of Political Drinking , Ben Wright (Duckworth)
USA - Ancient Brews , Patrick E. McGovern (WW Norton)
W3-2 Drinks Education
China - Open the bottle (CITIC) 9787508676098
Finland - Makumatka, Heikki & Eeva Remes (Media Wallius)
France - Mon cours d’oenologie, Marie Dominique Bradford (Dunod)
Germany - Weinguide, Romana Echensberger, MW (Christian)
India - Indian Spirits, Magandeep Singh (PRH)
Italy - Guida vitigni Italia, (Slow Food)
Sweden - Cosmopolitan with a twist, Per Samuelsson, Irene Sahiln (Taste of Sound)
USA - Delectable Premium app, Antonio Galloni
Venezuela - Vini Vidi Vici Leonardo D’Addazio (Academia Sommeliers Venezuela)
W3-3 Photography
Finland - Makumatka, Heikki Remes (Media Wallius)
France - Vin, Metiers d’art et art de vivre, Helene Farnault (Glenat)
Sweden - Champagne Hiking, Richard Juhlin, Pal Allan
W3-3 Illustrations
Germany - Die Weine Von Gala (Taschen)
Spain - El vino de Cangas (Velasco)
USA- Are you my wine, Reese Ling (Ulysses)
W3-4 Drinks Writing
Argentina - El vino, el espejo del amor, Alfredo Terzano (Baco Club)
Brazil - Vinho: por uma recapitulação filosófica, Ronaldo Zanella (Amazon Kindle)
China - Breathing between the vines (CITIC) 97875086677217
France - De la salive de la terre nait l’esprit des cailloux, Laurent Martelet (L’Armancon)
Germany - Wie schmekt Rot ?, Markus Del Monego (Sueddeutsche)
Italy - Stregat, Angala Spena
Spain - Los Nuevos Vinadores, Luis Gutierrez (Planeta)
Sweden - Vin & Sprit, Hans de Geer (Naringslivshistoria)
USA - Cork Dork, Bianca Biosker (PRH)
W3-6 Drinks and Health
China - Chinese Liquor Culture (China Medecine Science) 9787506787192
France - Le Gout de l’ Ivresse, Matthieu Lecoutre (Belin)
India - Indian Spirits, Magendeep Singh (PRH)
Sweden - Alkohol, droger, & hjarnan , Marcus Helig (NOK)
UK - Doctor’s Order Chris Ewards (Hardie Grant)
USA - Doctor’s guide to heathier cocktails,Kori Feldman
Venezuela - El Catador Ilustrado, Alberto Soria (Alfa)
W3-7 Organic, Natural, Bio, Biodynamic
France - Manuel pour s’initier au vin naturel, Antonin Iommi Amunategui (Epure)
Germany - Biologisch Dynamischer Weinbau, Jean Michel Florin (Goethaneum)
Spain- Raices de vino natural, Clara Isamat Riviere(SD)
UK- Wine revolution, Jane Anson (Jacqui Small)
W3-8 Wine websites
Argentina -
Australia -
Canada -
France -
Germany -, Deutsche Wein Institut
Greece -
New Zealand -www.nzwine.comwine
South Africa-
W4-1 Special Awards
Special Awards are final. They do not compete between themselves. They have the right to Best in the World
China -Wine development History, Guo Minghao (Hunan Art Culture) 9787540481261
Georgia - Voyage en Amphore, Keiko Kato, Maika Masuko (WOINO)
Italy - Il Viaggio con I gazzosa, Carlo Cambi (Cinque Sensi)
Spain - Els Vins Secrets de Catalunya, Lluis Romero (Cossetania)
USA - Napa Valley Entertaining, Blakesley Chappellet, Briana Marie (Historic Hospitality Books)
W4-2 Special Awards Angers - Loire
France - Bucher Vaslin à Chalonnes, 1947-2017 (Musée de la Vigne et du Vin d’Anjou)
France - Le Val de Loire, Terres de Chenin, Christian Asselin, Pascal Girault (Editions Les Caves se Rebiffent)
France - Anthologie du Sacavin, Marc Leclerc (4 Chemins)
France - La Loire est en elles, Jean-Claude Bonnaud (Rives de Loire)