3.-The Rules for the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2011
- All books published between November 15th, 2010 and November 14th, 2011 qualify. The books in the category of Fund Raising Cookbooks may be older.
- Manuscripts and publishers proofs are also accepted.
- Books compete in their original languages, in all categories, except the category “Translation” created in 2007.
- There are no entry fees. The competition is free and open to all.
- Books may be entered by anyone: authors, publishers or even readers.
- The Jury decides in which category books compete, and may change nominees from one category to another at the final jury meeting. The Jury may decide that awards for some categories remain vacant, and there may be more than one winner per category.
4.-The Process
- In 2010, 8000 books were received, with 154 countries participating, after 136 countries one year earlier..
- The books have first to qualify in a national competition, with results announced in December.
- They represent their country in the “Best in the World” competition, which are proclaimed the following year.
5.-The Jury
The international jury for all languages and the Best in the World is composed of :
Edouard Cointreau,
Chairman of the Awards Committee.
Sara Baer-Sinnott,
Sara Baer-Sinnott, President of the Oldways
Exchange and Trust Foundation (USA)
Jean Jacques Ratier,
Director of Hospitality School of Dordogne.