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Gourmand Wine And Drinks Awards 2016

Gourmand Wine And Drinks Awards

Shortlist May 28, 2016

W1-1 Hall of Fame

France – Café, Hippolyte Courty, L’Arbre à Café (Le Chêne)

W1-2 Best Publishers

China - PHEi
France - Utovie
Hong Kong -Debra Meiburg

W1-3 Magazines Digital

Australia - People of Wine , Milton Wordley
China - Grapewall of China, Tim Boyce
South Africa - Brandy Journal, SA Brandy Foundation
USA - Wine folly
Vietnam.- Wine and restaurants, Alfredo de la Casa

W1-3 Magazines Print

Austria – Steirische Magazine fur Wein
China - China Wine News
France - In vino, voyage dans le Jura
Italy - Pietra Colorate
U.K. - Noble Rot issue 7

W1-4 Best book of the year

Belgium - All Belgium beers, Stichting Kunstboek
France - Le Vin a la bonne etoile, Gerard Bertrand ( La Martiniere )
Germany - Deutsche Wein und Deutsche Kuche ( Callwey )
Italy - Prosecco on the road, Andrea Zanfi ( S & B )
South Korea Korean Wines and Spirits, Jeff Koehler ( Seoul Selection )
Spain - Economía del vino en España y el Mundo ( Cajamar Valencia )
Sweden - Whisky Rebellion, Richard Lundborg ( Bladh by bladh )
USA - Money, taste and wine, Mike Veseth

W1-5 French wine

Australia – Champagne, Tyson Stelzer (Paired Media)
France - Le Cremant de Bourgogne - UPCEB ( Dunod )
Ireland - Breakfast in Burgundy, Raymond H. Burke - ( Skyhorse )
UK John Burlingham’ s Champagne
USA - Wines of France,Benjamin Lewin MW - ( Vendange Press )

W1-6 Europe wine

Austria - Weinbuch Österreich, Alexander Jakabb, ( Pichler )
Armenia - Armenian wine making and Armenian wines, Anik Petrosyan
( Antares )
Canada Le vin comme performance culturelle, Vincent Fournier
Denmark- Danske vin, Jacob Klitgaard - ( Foodmind )
France - Unite et diversite dans le discours sur le vin en Europe ( Peter Lang )
Germany - Warum wir Wein machen, Fritz Richter, ( Eugen Ulmer )
Sweden - Amarone, Gunnar Swenson ( Grenadine )
Vietnam - Rioja, Wine and Passion, Alfredo de la Casa

W1-7 New world wine

Australia -Vintage. Tasmania,Tony Walker
France - Atlas de la Vigne et duVin, Francois Leguy, Sylvaine Boulanger
( Armand Colin )
Hong Kong - A decent Bottle of wine in China, Chris Ruffle ( Earnshaw books0
Netherlands - Zuid Afrikaanse Wijne, Rudolf Pierik ( U2A )
South Africa – My Kind of wine, John Platter (Jacana)
South Korea - Korean wines and spirits, Robert Koehler ( Seoul Selection)
USA - Finger Lakes wine and the legacy of Dr. Konstantin Frank, Tom Russ
( History Press)

W1-8 Wine tourism

Australia -Explore Aussie wineries, AGWA
France - Vins et villages de France ( Le Chêne )
Portugal - Guide to wine tourism in Portugal (Zest Books )
South Africa - The beer safari, Lucy Corne ( Struik )
Spain - Barcelona wine, Lluís Tolosa ( LTA )
UK - Wine trails ( Lonely Planet )

W1-9 Digital

Australia - The wine hunter, Campbell Mattinson
France - Connaissance et technique du vin (BPI)
Malaysia - Memoirs of the perpetually inebriated, Yeenli Lau
Scotland -The secrets of Islay , Robert Kroeger (RK)
Spain - Te cuento un vino.? Enrique Lopez
UK - Contemporary wine studies,Gareth Morgan, Richard Tresidder
( Routledge )
USA - Thirsty dragon, Suzanne Mustacich ( Henry Holt )

W1-10 Professionals

Canada,-Environmentally sustainable viticulture, ( Apple Academic
Press )
China - Yanqing conference on grapevine breeding andgenetics-ISHS
France - Entreprendre dans le vin, Martin Cubertafond ( Eyrolles)
Germany - Wine entrepreneurs, Alexander Schreck
Spain - Economía del vino en España y el Mundo, ( Cajamar Valencia )
UK - Grapevine breeding in the wine industry, Andrew G.Reynolds(Woodhead USA - The Sage encyclopedia of alcohol, Scott E. Martin ( Sage )

W1-11 Translation

China - Top 100 Australian wineries, James Halliday, Kandy Xu-
( Nanjing University Press)
France - Vins insolites, Pierre Bourgault ( Jonglez )
Germany - Grune smoothies, ( Heel )
Greece - Greek recipes with wine, Niki Mitarea, ( Patakis )

W1-12 Institutions digital

Australia - The wineries of Bendigo
Canada - Wine tourism in Canada report 2015
France - The wine and spirits market in Asia Pacific until 2017,
( Vinexpo )
Georgia - International award winning wines, GWA
Luxembourg- Wine country Luxembourg, Visit Luxembourg
Moldova - Wine sector restructuring, 16 success stories
Slovakia - Land of wine, Slovak Tourist Board
Slovenia - Slovenia wines, Slovenian Tourist Board
USA - Texas Hills Country wineries

W2-1 Non alcoholic drinks

China - Encyclopedia of drinks, ( Qingdao )
Spain - El gran libro de la horchata,José Soriano, Universitat de Valencia
Sweden - Juice verket, Niklas Junker, Andreas Wilsen ( Nordstedts )
UK - Plenish, Kara Rosen, ( Mitchell Beazley )
USA - Crazy , sexy juice, Kris Carr , ( Hay House )

W2-2 Coffee

Brazil - Cafe com design, Eliana Relvas, Miriam Gurcel ,( Senac )
China - 3D coffee - ( CHLIP )
France - Cafe, Hippolyte Courty, ( Le Chêne )
India - The romance of Indian coffee, P.T. Bopanna
Japan - The book of coffee jelly, Yuko Kimura
Poland - Tajemnice kawy, Wotny Sara Magdalena, Zysk
Romania - Total despre cafea, Nicolae Sfetu
Thailand -Doi Chaang coffee book
USA - Drift magazine

W2-3 Tea

Argentina - La alquimia del té , Victoria Bisogno , ( Del Nuevo Extremo)
Belgium - Puur thee, ( Lannoo )
China-Tea, ( PHEI )
France - The japonais, ( Le Chêne )
HongKong - Tea in China, James A. Benn, ( HK University )
Thailand - The tea horse road, Michael Freeman, Selina Ahned ,
( River Books )
UK - Empire of Tea , ( Reaktion Books )
USA - Darjeeling, Jeff Koehler, Bloomsbury

W2-4 Spirits

Australia - Celebrating the re-invention of rum, Eamon Evans, rum
France - Maison Martell,( Connaissance des Arts )
Peru - Los secretos del pisco, Mario G Vingerhoets, ( USMP )
Scotland - The secrets of Islay, Robert Kroeger
Singapore - Sake, Hayato Hishinuma, ( Gatehouse )
South Korea- Korean wines and spirits, Robert Koehler
( Seoul Selection )
Sri Lanka - The adventures of Arrack ,( Rockland Distillery )
Spain - El gran libro del vermut, François Monti
Sweden - Tequila, mescal, Rapp, Sandlo,
Venezuela- Ron de Venezuela, Rosanna di Turi, Marcel Cifuentes

W2-5 Cocktails

Belgium - Around the world in 80 gins, Manuel Wouters, ( Studio100 ).
China - Encyclopedia of coffee and cocktails, ( Qingdao)
Israel - Happy hour, Mira Eltar, ( Lunch Box )
Poland - Koktaijlle, Katarzyna Blazejewska ( Zwierciado )
Portugal- Vamos fazer isto em Casa ?
Spain - Coctel, Tupac Kirby, ( Anaya )
Sri lLanka - Punch, ( Rockland distilleries )
UK- Experimental cocktail club, ( Mitchell Beazley )
USA - Drinking the devil’s. acre, ( Chronicle )

W2-6 Pairing food and wine

Austria - Wachau Cookbook, Christine Saahs
Belgium - Bier Kaas, beer and cheese, ( Lannoo )
Brazil - Queijos Brasileiros a Mesa con cachaca, ( Senac )
Germany - Wein muss rein, Lea Linster, Peter Gaymann, ( Ars Vivendi)
Ireland - Breakfast in Burgundy, Raymond H. Burke
Italy - Conegliamo, Maurizio Potecnik, ( Club Magnar Ben )
Netherlands - Bapas, belgische bier tapas, ( WPG )
Portugal - Receitas com vino do Portp, Goes
Spain - Maridajes, Pepe Iglesias, ( Asturias Gastronómica )
Sweden - Vinet Maten, Michel Jamais, ( Tukan )
UK - Nibbles for bubbles, Gillian Flower
USA - Beer bites, ( Chronicle )

W2-8 Beer

Austria - Crafts Beer Kochbuch, ( Brandstätter )
Belgium - Belgian beer experiences, ( Visit Flanders )
China - Cool Beer
Czech - Czech beer, a treasure, (Ministry of Agriculture)
France-Bierographie,Elizabeth Pierre, ( Hachette Pratique )
Germany - Craft Bier, Wulfing, ( Lempertz )
New Zealand- The spectacular history of Tui, James Griffin,( Upstart ).
Portugal - A cerveja, Margarida Pereira Muller
South Africa- The Beer book, Holger Meier.
Spain - La cerveza en España, Xavier Garcia, ( Lid )
Sweden - Hartverksol, Per Ahlin, ( Bonnier )

W3-1 Drinks history

Australia - Growth and cycles in Autralia wine industry, Kym Anderson,
( University Adelaide Press )
Chile - Chile país del vino, ( editorial Universitaria )
China - Knowledge of Japanese tea ( PHEI )
France – De la Vigne au Vin, Pays de la Loire,Thierry Pelloquet (Revue 303)
Spain - Vi Català, Vienna Edicions
South Africa – My Kind of wine, John Platter (Jacana)
Sweden - Irlandske whiskey, Robert Hermasson, ( Carlsson )
UK - The history of wine in 100 bottles, Oz Clarke, (Pavilion )
USA - American wine, Tom Acitelli, ( Chicago Review Press )

W3-2 Wine education

Canada - Manuel sommelllerie professionelle, ITHQ
China - A first course in wine, Dan Amatuzzi, ( SEU Southern University ).
France - Le vin et les vins au restaurant, ( BPI )
Italy - Drinkzionario, Don Costa, ( Sagee )
Sweden - Hakan Larssons guide, ( Bonnier )
UK - Grapes and Wine, Oz Clarke, ( Pavilion )
USA - Wine folly, Puckett, Hammack, ( Avery )

W3-3 Photo

China - Wine cellar design 2
France - Chateauneuf du Pape, Art de vivre, ( Hachette Pratique )
Germany - Warm wir Wein machen, David Maupile, Fritz Richter, ( Ulmer )
Scotland - Village distilleries of Maramuros, Romania, Ian MacIlwain
USA - The birth of bourbon, Carol Peechee, ( University Kentucky )
Venezuela - Ron de Venezuela, Marcel Cifuentes, Rosanna di Turi

W3-3 Illustrations

China - Tipsy sketch, Tienli Lin ,( CITIC )
France - Tronches de vin 2. MIchel Tolmer, ( Epure )
Germany – Wein muss reins, Peter Gaymann, Lea Linster
Spain - El cava a la China, Lluisa Jover, Gloria Bailu
Sri Lanka - The adventures of Arrack, Jonathan Burton, ( Rockland
Distilleries )
UK – How to make te, John Woodcock, BrianR. Keating, Kim Long ( Ivy )
USA - The comic book story of beer, ( Ten Speed )

W3-4 Wine writing

Australia - True stories, Barossa winemakers, Bernadette Kaeding
Bolivia - Diccionario Enciclopedico universal Del vino, Roberto Arce
Chile - Patrimonio vitivinicola ( Biblioteca Nacional )
France-Grainsensible, Olivier Humbrecht, ( Tonnerre de l’ Est )
USA - Money, taste and wine, Mike Veseth

W3-5 Biodynamic wine books

France - Instants de Vignes, Jérôme Genée
Scotland - Biodynamiccalendar 2016, Thun, ( Floris books )
UK - Monty’s biodynamic wine guide, Monty Waldin, ( Lulu )

W3-6 Wine and health

China - Aglass of red wine per day
France - Le guide du savoir boire, Laure Gasparetto,
USA - The French beauty solution, Mathilde Thomas, ( Avery)

W3-7 Women and wine

Belgium-69 things you always wanted to know about wine, Sepideh
Sepagaatnia, ( Lannoo )
France - Une sommeliers dans votre cuisine, Estelle Touzet, ( EPA )
USA - Hungry for wine, Kathy Huyghe,

W4-1 Special Awards

Australia - AGWA strategic plan 2015- 2020
Canada - Wines of Canada
China - Baijiu, Derek Sandham, ( Penguin )
China - Southern University Press
France - Reussir l’ accueil dans les caves, bureau Thetys, Atout France
France - Le Cubuiguide , Jean Michel Deluc, ( First )
Hong Kong - A decent bottle of wine in China, Chris Ruffle, ( Earnshaw )
Sweden - Morbergs, Maten, Dryken, ( Bonnier )
USA - The Winemaker’s hand, Natalie Berkowitz, ( Columbia University )
USA -The Winemaker, Richard E. Peterson ( Meadowlark Publishing )
USA - Tasting French Terroir, Thomas Packer, ( University of California. )

The Gourmand Awards in Macao - Registration & Facts


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The Gourmand Awards are the major Food Culture event in the world.

They started in 1995 for cookbooks and wine books, at Frankfurt Book Fair. They now include all Food Culture content. The Gourmand Awards are open to all, big or small, print or digital, for sale or for free, with or without ISBN, trade or self published, private or public, in any language. It is free to participate, anyone can send entries. There is no comparable international cultural event in the world, except the Olympics. We are inspired by the Olympic spirit.

1- The countries

This year we had entries from 215 countries and regions. There are 193 countries in the United Nations. For the Finalists, we have considerably reduced from the entries the number of countries, and entries. There are now Finalists for Food from a total of 134 countries (116 UN members) and regions. There are 40 countries and regions for Drinks.

2- Categories

There are 100 categories for Food, 30 for Drinks. This is necessary to reflect the wide diversity of world food culture. It gives a chance to many countries to win in a category. In the Olympic games, they have 303 competitions/categories for 202 countries. On our list our finalists, we have 130 categories for 134 countries and regions. In total, there are 1372 entries now finalist, 1144 for food, and 228 for drinks. This represents less than 3% of the total of similar books and other formats published and available every year. It is a major achievement to be on this list of Finalists. There are 67% of the categories with 12 or less finalists, 26% with 13 to 19 finalists, and 7% with 20 to 30 finalists.

3- Trends

Food Culture is now taken very seriously by most governments and individuals. Food is at the heart of the issues of our future, collectively and individually.Trends in Food and Drinks culture are now global, everywhere in the world, which this list of finalists makes very clear. We see six major trends, combining or competing at a different pace in different countries, with change accelerating:

  • Tourism is becoming the force driving food culture. Food is the first positive criteria and motivation generally, for 35%, up from 25% fifteen years ago. We have 160 entries for tourism (12%). See our categories B15, B17, B21, W1-8, W1-12.
  • Social media and television continue to expand the food culture market, helping print. See our categories A07, A08, A09, A13, B18, B19.
  • Health and Nutrition have joined with Ethics and Environmental concerns, spreading the same issues worldwide. For instance Vegan has become mainstream in very few years, everywhere. See our categories D01, D02, D08, D09, E06, E13.
  • Local has become the key word. There is a major effort everywhere to save local food culture, and transmit it. It is helped by tourism and the locavore trends. Slow Food has won. See our categories C01, D05, D07.
  • Quick and easy comfort food is still very important, especially in Asia. See our category E01. In 1995, when we started, this was the leading category.
  • Children and Family food books are rapidly expanding. See categories D03, D11.
  • There are minor new trends starting now Sports and Food, see D13.
  • Seniors and food, see D12 Breakfast, see E15.
  • Embassies and Gastro Diplomacy, see F08.

4- Digital

We have 19 categories (15%) exclusively for digital, with 195 digital entries now finalists (15%). You can find in the list of Finalists approximately 50 free Food and Wine PDF to download, selected for their quality, nearly all produced by public institutions. Unfortunately, they tend to disappear quickly, so do not be surprised if you cannot find them. We cannot help. See categories A06 for FAO, UN-IOM, UNDEP-Canada, UNESCO, UNWTO or B17, W1-12. For cookbook professional online newsletters, see B03.

5- The next step

The Best in the World will be announced in Yantai, China at the Gourmand Awards annual event May 25-28, 2018. The top 3 in each category will have the right to Best in the World. We do not announce results before the event. It is not necessary to attend to win. Apart from the honors at the event, the major opportunity is meeting the other participants, for business and pleasure. As previous participants have written, it may be the best four days of your life if you participate. Guests from over 60 countries had already indicated they wanted to come as of January 12, 2018. There are among them 81 guests who have already been at our events in Yantai. They come back even if they have no entry in the competition, it is so important for networking, business, and food culture.